What is UpGrade180?


Being able to look up at the sky and see that it is the only limit you should have. "Up" is the constant vision towards greatness and having a good projection.


Personal improvement is something that is very easy to say, but that very few manage to focus on.


If you are not at your best or have not been, surely your point of view has to change or has changed, which is why you have to make a 180° turn.


Where are you willing to go? What are you willing to do to achieve your personal improvement? It all depends on you, and that is why from the UpGrade180 team we want your projection to be the one you want to achieve.


Our team

And now a little history...

In May 2022, the UpGrade180 project was started by Adrià Gustems. Soon, with the help of his family and friends, the project would take shape.

That same summer, at the end of August, the first UpGrade180 watch for men would be manufactured, the model we currently know as the "Impulse." That's why Impulse is especially loved by the UpGrade180 team.

After the manufacturing time had passed, the most anticipated moment began: making the brand known. With the help of Raymon, Estefi, Álvaro, Tristan and Pol, the brand's first advertisement was launched.

Today, UpGrade180 continues to grow as a brand and as a community of people who pursue their purpose and want to be successful, all in their particular field.


UpGrade180 thanks everyone who has helped make this project possible and continues to grow the brand.

Thank you to: Tristan, Pol, Estefi, Paco, Montse, Raymon, Ferran, Álvaro, David, Tracy, Iris, Senen, Xavier, Xavi P., Marc, Jaume, Oriol, Xavi J., Jordi, Toni, Eulália, Maria and Gabriel.